instname | 5886592150459083519 |
hostname | pg-rex03 |
port | 5432 |
pg_version | 9.2.4 |
snap_begin | 2013-06-07 14:34:00 |
snap_end | 2013-06-07 16:02:00 |
duration | 01:28:00 |
total_dbsize | 36 GiB |
total_commits | 481097 |
total_rollbacks | 2122 |
timestamp | message |
2013-06-07 14:56:00 | load average 1min exceeds threshold in snapshot '2013-06-07 14:56:00' --- 44.83 (threshold = 40) |
2013-06-07 15:29:00 | load average 1min exceeds threshold in snapshot '2013-06-07 15:29:00' --- 46.71 (threshold = 40) |
database | MiB | +MiB | commit/s | rollback/s | hit% | gets/s | reads/s | rows/s |
postgres | 6 | 0 | 0.397 | 0.000 | 99.700 | 42.990 | 0.135 | 124.872 |
dbt2 | 37225 | 493 | 90.718 | 0.402 | 87.300 | 19156.911 | 2428.836 | 34584.184 |
database | conflict tblspc | conflict lock | conflict snapshot | conflict bufferpin | conflict deadlock |
postgres | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
dbt2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
write_total | write_speed |
46423.542 | 8.792 |
idle (%) | idle in xact (%) | waiting (%) | running (%) |
29.30 | 0.83 | 1.60 | 68.27 |
device_name | including TableSpaces | total read (MiB) | total write (MiB) | total read time (ms) | total write time (ms) | current I/O queue | total I/O time (ms) |
sda2 | {pg_default,pg_global,<pg_xlog>,<pg_xlog_archive>} | 119154 | 166238 | 151752605 | 235517259 | 69.483 | 387266975 |
tablespace | location | device | used (MiB) | avail (MiB) | remain (%) |
<pg_xlog> | /pgdata/pgxlog_dbt2/pg_xlog | 8:2 | 70397 | 94306 | 57.258 |
<pg_xlog_archive> | /pgdata/pgarch/arc_dbt2 | 8:2 | 70397 | 94306 | 57.258 |
pg_default | /pgdata/data_dbt2 | 8:2 | 70397 | 94306 | 57.258 |
pg_global | /pgdata/data_dbt2 | 8:2 | 70397 | 94306 | 57.258 |
database | schema | table | size (MiB) | table reads | index reads | toast reads |
dbt2 | public | stock | 12656 | 4932737 | 617252 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | 10631 | 2851478 | 462418 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | customer | 6745 | 2520538 | 614909 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | orders | 726 | 214078 | 312102 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | history | 871 | 225870 | 0 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | 139 | 48208 | 17869 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | item | 10 | 4473 | 551 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | 0 | 386 | 8 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | district | 1 | 358 | 33 | 0 |
database | schema | table | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | total | HOT (%) |
dbt2 | public | order_line | 2224269 | 1804324 | 0 | 4028593 | 88.400 |
dbt2 | public | stock | 0 | 2224269 | 0 | 2224269 | 99.900 |
dbt2 | public | orders | 212147 | 189860 | 0 | 402007 | 99.900 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | 212147 | 0 | 189674 | 401821 | 0.000 |
dbt2 | public | customer | 0 | 391546 | 0 | 391546 | 99.900 |
dbt2 | public | district | 0 | 218071 | 0 | 218071 | 98.400 |
dbt2 | public | history | 201685 | 0 | 0 | 201685 | 0.000 |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | 0 | 201685 | 0 | 201685 | 99.400 |
dbt2 | public | item | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.000 |
database | schema | table | seq_scan | seq_tup_read | tup_per_seq | hit (%) |
dbt2 | public | order_line | 1 | 99315562 | 99315562.000 | 85.600 |
dbt2 | public | orders | 1 | 10417143 | 10417143.000 | 86.000 |
dbt2 | public | history | 1 | 10401739 | 10401739.000 | 65.400 |
dbt2 | public | customer | 1 | 10375737 | 10375737.000 | 63.400 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | 1 | 3191401 | 3191401.000 | 97.700 |
dbt2 | public | item | 1 | 100000 | 100000.000 | 99.900 |
dbt2 | public | district | 1 | 3400 | 3400.000 | 100.000 |
database | schema | table | tuples | logical_pages | physical_pages | tratio |
dbt2 | public | history | 10401651 | 107234 | 111547 | 96 |
dbt2 | public | item | 100000 | 1235 | 1281 | 96 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | 3207611 | 17339 | 17804 | 97 |
dbt2 | public | customer | 10199984 | 849999 | 863392 | 98 |
dbt2 | public | stock | 33999996 | 1619048 | 1620003 | 99 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | 99104524 | 1357597 | 1360806 | 99 |
dbt2 | public | orders | 10409447 | 96384 | 93001 | 103 |
database | schema | table | column | correlation |
dbt2 | public | stock | s_i_id | -0.039 |
dbt2 | public | customer | c_first | -0.015 |
dbt2 | public | customer | c_id | -0.010 |
dbt2 | public | customer | c_id | -0.010 |
dbt2 | public | customer | c_last | 0.005 |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | w_id | 0.011 |
dbt2 | public | orders | o_c_id | 0.014 |
dbt2 | public | orders | o_id | 0.018 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | ol_o_id | 0.020 |
dbt2 | public | district | d_w_id | 0.051 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | ol_d_id | 0.055 |
dbt2 | public | district | d_id | 0.071 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | no_d_id | 0.092 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | ol_number | 0.099 |
dbt2 | public | orders | o_d_id | 0.101 |
dbt2 | public | orders | o_d_id | 0.101 |
dbt2 | public | customer | c_d_id | 0.103 |
dbt2 | public | customer | c_d_id | 0.103 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | no_o_id | 0.147 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | no_w_id | 0.904 |
database | schema | function | calls | total time (ms) | self time (ms) | time/call (ms) |
dbt2 | public | pgstattuple | 7 | 170988.685 | 170988.685 | 24426.955 |
postgres | statsinfo | devicestats | 88 | 5436.767 | 5418.848 | 61.781 |
postgres | statsinfo | sample | 1051 | 30.903 | 30.903 | 0.029 |
postgres | statsinfo | cpustats | 88 | 27.722 | 27.722 | 0.315 |
postgres | statsinfo | tablespaces | 176 | 20.877 | 20.877 | 0.119 |
postgres | statsinfo | memory | 88 | 3.279 | 3.279 | 0.037 |
postgres | statsinfo | loadavg | 88 | 2.519 | 2.519 | 0.029 |
postgres | statsinfo | activity | 88 | 0.907 | 0.907 | 0.010 |
postgres | statsinfo | profile | 88 | 0.817 | 0.817 | 0.009 |
user | database | query | calls | total time (sec) | time/call (sec) |
postgres | dbt2 | FETCH ALL IN mycursor | 10715 | 4457.819 | 0.416 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT payment(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) | 9940 | 1494.099 | 0.150 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT * FROM order_status(?, ?, ?, ?) | 921 | 1439.537 | 1.563 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT delivery(?, ?) | 938 | 933.291 | 0.995 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT stock_level(?, ?, ?) | 946 | 669.461 | 0.708 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT d.oid AS dbid, d.datname, pg_database_size(d.oid), CASE WHEN pg_is_in_recovery() THEN 0 ELSE age(d.datfrozenxid) END, pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(d.oid) AS xact_commit, pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(d.oid) AS xact_rollback, pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(d.oid) - pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(d.oid) AS blks_read, pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(d.oid) AS blks_hit, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned(d.oid) AS tup_returned, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_fetched(d.oid) AS tup_fetched, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_inserted(d.oid) AS tup_inserted, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_updated(d.oid) AS tup_updated, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_deleted(d.oid) AS tup_deleted, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_tablespace(d.oid) AS confl_tablespace, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_lock(d.oid) AS confl_lock, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_snapshot(d.oid) AS confl_snapshot, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_bufferpin(d.oid) AS confl_bufferpin, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_startup_deadlock(d.oid) AS confl_deadlock, pg_stat_get_db_temp_files(d.oid) AS temp_files, pg_stat_get_db_temp_byte | 88 | 282.264 | 3.208 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT c.oid AS relid, c.relnamespace, c.reltablespace, c.relname, c.reltoastrelid, c.reltoastidxid, c.relkind, c.relpages, c.reltuples, c.reloptions, pg_relation_size(c.oid), pg_stat_get_numscans(c.oid) AS seq_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(c.oid) AS seq_tup_read, sum(pg_stat_get_numscans(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_scan, sum(pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.indexrelid))::bigint + pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(c.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(c.oid) AS n_tup_ins, pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_upd, pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(c.oid) AS n_tup_del, pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_hot_upd, pg_stat_get_live_tuples(c.oid) AS n_live_tup, pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(c.oid) AS n_dead_tup, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(c.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_hit, sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.indexrelid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_blks_read, sum(pg_stat_get_bl | 88 | 198.991 | 2.261 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT EXTRACT(? FROM TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP()), a.schemaname, a.relname, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del, n_tup_hot_upd, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup, heap_blks_read, heap_blks_hit, idx_blks_read, idx_blks_hit, toast_blks_read, toast_blks_hit, tidx_blks_read, tidx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_tables a, pg_stat_all_tables b WHERE a.relid = b.relid ; | 87 | 175.855 | 2.021 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT EXTRACT(? FROM TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP()), datname, numbackends, xact_commit, xact_rollback, blks_read, blks_hit, tup_returned, tup_fetched, tup_inserted, tup_updated, tup_deleted FROM pg_stat_database ; | 87 | 174.347 | 2.004 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT EXTRACT(? FROM TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP()), a.schemaname, a.relname, a.indexrelname, idx_scan, idx_tup_read, idx_tup_fetch, idx_blks_read, idx_blks_hit FROM pg_stat_all_indexes a, pg_statio_all_indexes b WHERE a.indexrelid = b.indexrelid ; | 87 | 172.721 | 1.985 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT s.funcid, n.oid AS nspid, s.funcname, pg_get_function_arguments(funcid) AS argtypes, s.calls, s.total_time, s.self_time FROM pg_stat_user_functions s JOIN pg_namespace n ON s.schemaname = n.nspname WHERE n.nspname <> ALL (('{' || $1 || '}')::text[]) | 88 | 144.339 | 1.640 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT pid, usesysid, usename, application_name, client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_start, state, pg_current_xlog_location() || ? || pg_xlogfile_name(pg_current_xlog_location()) || ?, sent_location || ? || pg_xlogfile_name(sent_location) || ?, write_location || ? || pg_xlogfile_name(write_location) || ?, flush_location || ? || pg_xlogfile_name(flush_location) || ?, replay_location || ? || pg_xlogfile_name(replay_location) || ?, sync_priority, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication | 88 | 4.445 | 0.051 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT * FROM statsinfo.cpustats($1) | 88 | 3.438 | 0.039 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT a.attrelid, a.attnum, a.attname, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) AS type, a.attstattarget, a.attstorage, a.attnotnull, a.attisdropped, s.stawidth as avg_width, s.stadistinct as n_distinct, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = ? THEN s.stanumbers1[?] WHEN s.stakind2 = ? THEN s.stanumbers2[?] WHEN s.stakind3 = ? THEN s.stanumbers3[?] WHEN s.stakind4 = ? THEN s.stanumbers4[?] ELSE ? END AS correlation FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_statistic s ON a.attnum = s.staattnum AND a.attrelid = s.starelid AND NOT s.stainherit LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE a.attnum > ? AND c.relkind IN (?, ?) AND n.nspname <> ALL ((? || $1 || ?)::text[]) | 88 | 2.947 | 0.033 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT EXTRACT(? FROM TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP()), datname, pid, usesysid, usename, application_name, client_addr, client_port, backend_start, xact_start, query_start, waiting, query FROM pg_stat_activity ; | 88 | 2.913 | 0.033 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT * FROM statsinfo.devicestats($1) | 88 | 2.689 | 0.031 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT EXTRACT(? FROM TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP()), relname, pid, mode, granted FROM pg_locks, pg_class WHERE relfilenode = relation ORDER BY relname; ; | 88 | 2.259 | 0.026 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT db.datname, nb.nspname, cb.relname, sa.application_name, sa.client_addr, sa.client_hostname, sa.client_port, AS blockee_pid, AS blocker_pid, la.gid AS blocker_gid, (statement_timestamp() - sb.query_start)::interval(0), sb.query, CASE WHEN la.gid IS NOT NULL THEN ? WHEN la.queries IS NULL THEN ? ELSE la.queries END FROM (SELECT DISTINCT, l0.relation, transactionid, la.gid, lx.queries FROM pg_locks l0 LEFT JOIN (SELECT l1.virtualtransaction, pp.gid FROM pg_prepared_xacts pp LEFT JOIN pg_locks l1 ON l1.transactionid = pp.transaction) la ON l0.virtualtransaction = la.virtualtransaction LEFT JOIN statsinfo.last_xact_activity() lx ON = WHERE l0.granted = ? AND (la.gid IS NULL OR l0.relation IS NOT NULL)) la LEFT JOIN pg_stat_activity sa ON =, (SELECT DISTINCT pid, relation, transactionid FROM pg_locks WHERE granted = ?) lb LEFT JOIN pg_stat_activity sb ON = LEFT JOIN pg_database db ON sb.datid | 88 | 1.466 | 0.017 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT * FROM statsinfo.activity() | 88 | 1.126 | 0.013 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT name, setting, unit, source FROM pg_settings WHERE source NOT IN (?, ?, ?) AND setting <> boot_val | 88 | 0.960 | 0.011 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT s.dbid, s.userid, s.query, s.calls, s.total_time / ?, s.rows, s.shared_blks_hit, s.shared_blks_read, s.shared_blks_dirtied, s.shared_blks_written, s.local_blks_hit, s.local_blks_read, s.local_blks_dirtied, s.local_blks_written, s.temp_blks_read, s.temp_blks_written, s.blk_read_time, s.blk_write_time FROM pg_stat_statements s LEFT JOIN pg_roles r ON r.oid = s.userid WHERE r.rolname <> ALL ((? || $1 || ?)::text[]) ORDER BY s.total_time DESC LIMIT $2 | 88 | 0.930 | 0.011 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT * FROM statsinfo.loadavg() | 88 | 0.546 | 0.006 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT i.oid AS indexrelid, c.oid AS relid, i.reltablespace, i.relname AS indexrelname, i.relam, i.relpages, i.reltuples, i.reloptions, x.indisunique, x.indisprimary, x.indisclustered, x.indisvalid, x.indkey, pg_get_indexdef(i.oid), pg_relation_size(i.oid), pg_stat_get_numscans(i.oid) AS idx_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(i.oid) AS idx_tup_read, pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.oid) AS idx_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.oid) AS idx_blks_hit FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_index x ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind IN (?, ?) AND n.nspname <> ALL ((? || $1 || ?)::text[]) | 88 | 0.439 | 0.005 |
postgres | dbt2 | SELECT s.funcid, n.oid AS nspid, s.funcname, pg_get_function_arguments(funcid) AS argtypes, s.calls, s.total_time, s.self_time FROM pg_stat_user_functions s JOIN pg_namespace n ON s.schemaname = n.nspname WHERE n.nspname <> ALL ((? || $1 || ?)::text[]) | 88 | 0.173 | 0.002 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT statsinfo.sample() | 987 | 0.125 | 0.000 |
postgres | dbt2 | CLOSE mycursor | 10715 | 0.108 | 0.000 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT a.attrelid, a.attnum, a.attname, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) AS type, a.attstattarget, a.attstorage, a.attnotnull, a.attisdropped, s.stawidth as avg_width, s.stadistinct as n_distinct, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = ? THEN s.stanumbers1[?] WHEN s.stakind2 = ? THEN s.stanumbers2[?] WHEN s.stakind3 = ? THEN s.stanumbers3[?] WHEN s.stakind4 = ? THEN s.stanumbers4[?] ELSE ? END AS correlation FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_statistic s ON a.attnum = s.staattnum AND a.attrelid = s.starelid AND NOT s.stainherit LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE a.attnum > ? AND c.relkind IN (?, ?) AND n.nspname <> ALL ((? || $1 || ?)::text[]) | 299 | 0.096 | 0.000 |
postgres | dbt2 | BEGIN | 23549 | 0.059 | 0.000 |
postgres | dbt2 | COMMIT | 23434 | 0.037 | 0.000 |
postgres | postgres | SELECT c.oid AS relid, c.relnamespace, c.reltablespace, c.relname, c.reltoastrelid, c.reltoastidxid, c.relkind, c.relpages, c.reltuples, c.reloptions, pg_relation_size(c.oid), pg_stat_get_numscans(c.oid) AS seq_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(c.oid) AS seq_tup_read, sum(pg_stat_get_numscans(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_scan, sum(pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.indexrelid))::bigint + pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(c.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(c.oid) AS n_tup_ins, pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_upd, pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(c.oid) AS n_tup_del, pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_hot_upd, pg_stat_get_live_tuples(c.oid) AS n_live_tup, pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(c.oid) AS n_dead_tup, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(c.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_hit, sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.indexrelid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_blks_read, sum(pg_stat_get_bl | 88 | 0.035 | 0.000 |
pid | client address | when to start | duration (sec) | query |
15200 | | 2013-06-07 14:38:38 | 621.675 | VACUUM FREEZE VERBOSE ANALYZE; |
4562 | | 2013-06-07 15:57:43 | 106.851 | SELECT now(),* FROM pgstattuple('customer'); |
32342 | 2013-06-07 15:38:26 | 93.753 | autovacuum: ANALYZE public.new_order | |
4643 | | 2013-06-07 16:00:34 | 85.920 | SELECT now(),* FROM pgstattuple('stock'); |
4619 | | 2013-06-07 15:59:36 | 54.508 | SELECT now(),* FROM pgstattuple('order_line'); |
19966 | | 2013-06-07 15:03:34 | 10.968 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 4 AND d_w_id = 28 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 10 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2987 AND 3006 |
19879 | | 2013-06-07 15:01:50 | 10.091 | COMMIT |
20256 | | 2013-06-07 15:09:30 | 10.024 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 1 AND d_w_id = 225 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 16 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2992 AND 3011 |
19877 | | 2013-06-07 15:05:41 | 9.457 | COMMIT |
20251 | | 2013-06-07 15:10:01 | 9.176 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 9 AND d_w_id = 299 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 11 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2995 AND 3014 |
19832 | | 2013-06-07 15:16:01 | 9.017 | COMMIT |
20208 | | 2013-06-07 15:07:07 | 8.266 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 9 AND d_w_id = 205 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 13 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2990 AND 3009 |
20209 | | 2013-06-07 15:45:47 | 8.234 | SELECT o_c_id FROM orders WHERE o_id = 2149 AND o_w_id = 6 AND o_d_id = 10 |
19830 | | 2013-06-07 14:58:57 | 8.166 | COMMIT |
20170 | | 2013-06-07 14:57:22 | 8.106 | COMMIT |
20078 | | 2013-06-07 15:19:42 | 7.839 | COMMIT |
19921 | | 2013-06-07 15:40:32 | 7.615 | COMMIT |
19919 | | 2013-06-07 14:55:17 | 7.588 | COMMIT |
19837 | | 2013-06-07 15:25:23 | 7.494 | COMMIT |
19962 | | 2013-06-07 15:23:38 | 7.186 | COMMIT |
19970 | | 2013-06-07 14:58:43 | 7.140 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 1 AND d_w_id = 7 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 11 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2985 AND 3004 |
20014 | | 2013-06-07 15:13:18 | 7.119 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 6 AND d_w_id = 1 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 14 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2996 AND 3015 |
19926 | | 2013-06-07 15:48:18 | 7.055 | COMMIT |
20014 | | 2013-06-07 15:02:38 | 7.011 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 4 AND d_w_id = 19 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 12 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2989 AND 3008 |
19880 | | 2013-06-07 15:42:03 | 6.971 | COMMIT |
19917 | | 2013-06-07 14:54:38 | 6.874 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 8 AND d_w_id = 135 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 13 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2984 AND 3003 |
20167 | | 2013-06-07 15:15:18 | 6.849 | COMMIT |
20057 | | 2013-06-07 15:51:13 | 6.820 | COMMIT |
19918 | | 2013-06-07 15:20:08 | 6.707 | COMMIT |
20210 | | 2013-06-07 15:32:09 | 6.539 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 6 AND d_w_id = 85 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 12 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3014 AND 3033 |
20123 | | 2013-06-07 14:52:29 | 6.016 | UPDATE orders SET o_carrier_id = 5 WHERE o_id = 2101 AND o_w_id = 102 AND o_d_id= 1 |
20212 | | 2013-06-07 15:33:54 | 5.996 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 1 AND d_w_id = 36 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 10 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3007 AND 3026 |
20167 | | 2013-06-07 15:12:49 | 5.910 | COMMIT |
20077 | | 2013-06-07 15:36:14 | 5.904 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 6 AND d_w_id = 112 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 18 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3025 AND 3044 |
20122 | | 2013-06-07 15:08:24 | 5.902 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 2 AND d_w_id = 201 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 17 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2993 AND 3012 |
20126 | | 2013-06-07 15:49:09 | 5.778 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 10 AND d_w_id = 74 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 11 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3037 AND 3056 |
19921 | | 2013-06-07 15:28:59 | 5.707 | COMMIT |
19921 | | 2013-06-07 15:47:45 | 5.591 | COMMIT |
20167 | | 2013-06-07 15:43:20 | 5.418 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 8 AND d_w_id = 17 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 17 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3019 AND 3038 |
20009 | | 2013-06-07 15:11:55 | 5.217 | COMMIT |
19829 | | 2013-06-07 15:28:45 | 5.191 | COMMIT |
19969 | | 2013-06-07 15:27:35 | 4.969 | COMMIT |
20164 | | 2013-06-07 15:37:40 | 4.963 | COMMIT |
20124 | | 2013-06-07 15:35:45 | 4.854 | COMMIT |
20212 | | 2013-06-07 15:41:35 | 4.821 | COMMIT |
19879 | | 2013-06-07 15:06:40 | 4.812 | COMMIT |
20060 | | 2013-06-07 15:30:50 | 4.605 | COMMIT |
19926 | | 2013-06-07 15:52:11 | 4.368 | COMMIT |
19961 | | 2013-06-07 15:18:21 | 4.368 | COMMIT |
19919 | | 2013-06-07 14:56:31 | 4.145 | COMMIT |
19966 | | 2013-06-07 15:46:01 | 4.050 | COMMIT |
19917 | | 2013-06-07 15:22:11 | 3.913 | COMMIT |
20167 | | 2013-06-07 14:53:21 | 3.857 | COMMIT |
20211 | | 2013-06-07 15:34:12 | 3.565 | COMMIT |
20080 | | 2013-06-07 15:31:07 | 3.413 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 10 AND d_w_id = 180 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 15 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3034 AND 3053 |
19965 | | 2013-06-07 15:26:43 | 2.587 | COMMIT |
19967 | | 2013-06-07 15:00:18 | 2.349 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 9 AND d_w_id = 20 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 14 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 2988 AND 3007 |
19793 | | 2013-06-07 15:21:38 | 2.297 | COMMIT |
19965 | | 2013-06-07 15:04:03 | 1.939 | COMMIT |
20012 | | 2013-06-07 15:50:28 | 1.932 | SELECT count(distinct s_i_id) FROM order_line, stock, district WHERE d_id = 6 AND d_w_id = 147 AND d_id = ol_d_id AND d_w_id = ol_w_id AND ol_i_id = s_i_id AND ol_w_id = s_w_id AND s_quantity < 16 AND ol_o_id BETWEEN 3034 AND 3053 |
20124 | | 2013-06-07 15:44:48 | 1.873 | COMMIT |
19920 | | 2013-06-07 15:24:33 | 1.819 | COMMIT |
20207 | | 2013-06-07 15:14:44 | 1.557 | COMMIT |
20253 | | 2013-06-07 15:17:49 | 1.448 | SELECT o_c_id FROM orders WHERE o_id = 2125 AND o_w_id = 71 AND o_d_id = 10 |
database | schema | relation | duration | blockee pid | blocker pid | blocker gid | blockee query | blocker query |
dbt2 | 00:00:02 | 15537 | 15527 | SELECT delivery(5, 1) | SELECT delivery(5, 7);SELECT no_o_id FROM new_order WHERE no_w_id = $1 AND no_d_id = $2ORDER BY no_o_id LIMIT 1;DELETE FROM new_order WHERE no_o_id = $1 AND no_w_id = $2 AND no_d_id = $3;SELECT o_c_id FROM orders WHERE o_id = $1 AND o_w_id = $2 AND o_d_id = $3;UPDATE orders SET o_carrier_id = $1 WHERE o_id = $2 AND o_w_id = $3 AND o_d_id = $4;UPDATE order_line SET ol_delivery_d = current_timestamp WHERE ol_o_id = $1 AND ol_w_id = $2 ...;SELECT SUM(ol_amount * ol_quantity) FROM order_line WHERE ol_o_id = $1 AND ol_w_id = $2 AND ...;UPDATE customer SET c_delivery_cnt = c_delivery_cnt + 1, c_balance = c_balance + $1 WHERE c_...;SELECT no_o_id FROM new_order WHERE no_w_id = $1 AND no_d_id = $2ORDER BY no_o_id LIMIT 1;DELETE FROM new_order WHERE no_o_id = $1 AND no_w_id = $2 AND no_d_id = $3;SELECT o_c_id FROM orders WHERE o_id = $1 AND o_w_id = $2 AND o_d_id = $3;UPDATE orders SET o_carrier_id = $1 WHERE o_id = $2 AND o_w_id = $3 AND o_d_id = $4; | |||
dbt2 | 00:00:00 | 15537 | 15539 | FETCH ALL IN mycursor | DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR SELECT new_order(8, 6, 2930, 1, 6, make_new_order_info(81406, 8, 5),...;SELECT w_tax FROM warehouse WHERE w_id = $1;SELECT d_tax, d_next_o_id FROM district WHERE d_w_id = $1 AND d_id = $2 FOR UPDATE;UPDATE district SET d_next_o_id = d_next_o_id + 1 WHERE d_w_id = $1 AND d_id = $2;SELECT c_discount, c_last, c_credit FROM customer WHERE c_w_id = $1 AND c_d_id = $2 AND c_id...;INSERT INTO new_order (no_o_id, no_w_id, no_d_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);INSERT INTO orders (o_id, o_d_id, o_w_id, o_c_id, o_entry_d, o_carrier_id, o_ol_cnt, o_all...; | |||
dbt2 | 00:00:00 | 15527 | 15535 | FETCH ALL IN mycursor | DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR SELECT new_order(2, 3, 511, 1, 8, make_new_order_info(77820, 2, 8), ...;SELECT w_tax FROM warehouse WHERE w_id = $1;SELECT d_tax, d_next_o_id FROM district WHERE d_w_id = $1 AND d_id = $2 FOR UPDATE;UPDATE district SET d_next_o_id = d_next_o_id + 1 WHERE d_w_id = $1 AND d_id = $2;SELECT c_discount, c_last, c_credit FROM customer WHERE c_w_id = $1 AND c_d_id = $2 AND c_id...;INSERT INTO new_order (no_o_id, no_w_id, no_d_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);INSERT INTO orders (o_id, o_d_id, o_w_id, o_c_id, o_entry_d, o_carrier_id, o_ol_cnt, o_all...;SELECT i_price, i_name, i_data FROM item WHERE i_id = $1;SELECT s_quantity, $1, s_data FROM stock WHERE s_i_id = $2 AND s_w_id = $3;UPDATE stock SET s_quantity = s_quantity - $1 WHERE s_i_id = $2 AND s_w_id = $3;INSERT INTO order_line (ol_o_id, ol_d_id, ol_w_id, ol_number, ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, ol_del...;SELECT i_price, i_name, i_data FROM item WHERE i_id = $1;SELECT s_quantity, $1, s_data FROM sto...; |
total checkpoints | 10 |
checkpoints by time | 4 |
checkpoints by xlog | 6 |
avg written buffers | 40824.700 |
max written buffers | 135646.000 |
avg duration (sec) | 228.980 |
max duration (sec) | 551.813 |
database | schema | table | count | avg index scans | avg removed rows | avg remain rows | avg duration (sec) | max duration (sec) | cancels |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | 61 | 0.066 | 1346.459 | 518.754 | 0.560 | 4.110 | 1 |
dbt2 | public | district | 61 | 0.230 | 1090.984 | 3580.721 | 2.594 | 23.420 | 1 |
dbt2 | pg_catalog | pg_statistic | 1 | 1.000 | 120.000 | 475.000 | 0.020 | 0.020 | 0 |
dbt2 | pg_toast | pg_toast_2619 | 1 | 1.000 | 69.000 | 3.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 |
timestamp | database | schema | table | cause query |
2013-06-07 15:32:20 | dbt2 | public | warehouse | ANALYZE |
2013-06-07 15:37:13 | dbt2 | public | district | ANALYZE |
database | schema | table | avg page hit | avg page miss | avg page dirty | avg read rate | avg write rate |
dbt2 | public | district | 368.328 | 0.098 | 0.738 | 0.202 | 0.347 |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | 188.607 | 3.148 | 0.738 | 2.549 | 0.802 |
dbt2 | pg_catalog | pg_statistic | 110.000 | 0.000 | 29.000 | 0.000 | 10.786 |
dbt2 | pg_toast | pg_toast_2619 | 79.000 | 0.000 | 13.000 | 0.000 | 336.300 |
database | schema | table | count | total duration (sec) | avg duration (sec) | max duration (sec) | last analyze time |
dbt2 | public | stock | 2 | 64.960 | 4.053 | 48.160 | 2013-06-07 15:21:38 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | 1 | 26.900 | 3.878 | 36.970 | 2013-06-07 15:21:36 |
dbt2 | public | customer | 1 | 17.220 | 2.747 | 16.380 | 2013-06-07 15:03:38 |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | 130 | 2.950 | 0.021 | 0.050 | 2013-06-07 15:29:39 |
dbt2 | public | orders | 1 | 2.650 | 0.961 | 0.234 | 2013-06-07 15:46:38 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | 3 | 1.300 | 0.036 | 0.043 | 2013-06-07 15:16:39 |
dbt2 | public | history | 1 | 1.920 | 0.273 | 0.316 | 2013-06-07 15:43:32 |
dbt2 | public | district | 139 | 0.800 | 0.003 | 0.005 | 2013-06-07 15:29:39 |
user | postgres | postgres |
appname | sby | sby |
client addr | | |
client_host | ||
client_port | 39209 | 34691 |
backend start | 2013-06-07 14:34:00 | 2013-06-07 14:34:00 |
state | streaming | streaming |
current location | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) |
sent location | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) |
write location | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) |
flush location | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) | 110/27BBE000 (000000010000011000000027) |
replay location | 110/27BAD7E0 (000000010000011000000027) | 110/27BAD7E0 (000000010000011000000027) |
sync priority | 1 | 1 |
sync state | sync | potential |
database | schema | table | columns | rows | MiB | +MiB | table scans | index scans |
dbt2 | public | customer | 21 | 68000 | 6745 | 0 | 1 | 956265 |
dbt2 | public | district | 11 | 10 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 980850 |
dbt2 | public | history | 8 | 9000 | 871 | 17 | 1 | 0 |
dbt2 | public | item | 5 | 100 | 10 | 0 | 1 | 2226383 |
dbt2 | public | new_order | 3 | 1500 | 139 | 9 | 1 | 379720 |
dbt2 | public | order_line | 10 | 102000 | 10631 | 260 | 1 | 417266 |
dbt2 | public | orders | 8 | 8000 | 726 | 14 | 1 | 398550 |
dbt2 | public | stock | 17 | 130000 | 12656 | 0 | 0 | 8310679 |
dbt2 | public | warehouse | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 615521 |
database | schema | index | table | MiB | +MiB | scans | rows/scan | reads | hits | keys |
dbt2 | public | i_customer | customer | 591 | 0 | 132055 | 2.418 | 213787 | 403871 | c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last, c_first, c_id |
dbt2 | public | i_orders | orders | 306 | 0 | 18830 | 1.043 | 229885 | 503202 | o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_customer | customer | 306 | 0 | 824210 | 1.000 | 401122 | 2117999 | c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_district | district | 0 | 0 | 980850 | 0.792 | 33 | 1978580 | d_w_id, d_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_item | item | 2 | 0 | 2226383 | 0.999 | 551 | 4463141 | i_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_new_order | new_order | 96 | 4 | 379720 | 0.988 | 17869 | 1797056 | no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_order_line | order_line | 3062 | 147 | 417266 | 18.336 | 462418 | 11402110 | ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number |
dbt2 | public | pk_orders | orders | 333 | 26 | 379720 | 1.000 | 82217 | 1746547 | o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_stock | stock | 728 | 0 | 8310679 | 1.000 | 617252 | 32768906 | s_w_id, s_i_id |
dbt2 | public | pk_warehouse | warehouse | 0 | 0 | 615521 | 1.000 | 8 | 1241160 | w_id |
name | setting | unit | source |
TimeZone | Japan | configuration file | |
archive_command | /bin/cp %p /pgdata/pgarch/arc_dbt2/%f | configuration file | |
archive_mode | on | configuration file | |
autovacuum_freeze_max_age | 2000000000 | configuration file | |
autovacuum_max_workers | 4 | configuration file | |
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit | 400 | configuration file | |
checkpoint_completion_target | 0.7 | configuration file | |
checkpoint_segments | 300 | configuration file | |
checkpoint_timeout | 900 | s | configuration file |
default_statistics_target | 10 | configuration file | |
default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.english | configuration file | |
effective_cache_size | 1179648 | 8kB | configuration file |
hot_standby | on | configuration file | |
hot_standby_feedback | on | configuration file | |
lc_messages | C | configuration file | |
listen_addresses | * | configuration file | |
log_autovacuum_min_duration | 0 | ms | configuration file |
log_checkpoints | on | configuration file | |
log_destination | csvlog | override | |
log_error_verbosity | verbose | configuration file | |
log_line_prefix | %a:%t | configuration file | |
log_lock_waits | on | configuration file | |
log_min_duration_statement | 10000 | ms | configuration file |
log_min_messages | log | configuration file | |
log_rotation_size | 0 | kB | configuration file |
log_timezone | Japan | configuration file | |
logging_collector | on | override | |
maintenance_work_mem | 65536 | kB | configuration file |
max_connections | 300 | configuration file | |
max_stack_depth | 2048 | kB | environment variable |
max_standby_archive_delay | -1 | ms | configuration file |
max_standby_streaming_delay | -1 | ms | configuration file |
max_wal_senders | 4 | configuration file | |
pg_statsinfo.enable_maintenance | 3 | configuration file | |
pg_statsinfo.maintenance_time | 04:00:00 | configuration file | |
pg_statsinfo.long_lock_threashold | 0 | configuration file | |
pg_statsinfo.repository_server | host= port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres | configuration file | |
pg_statsinfo.snapshot_interval | 60 | s | configuration file |
pg_statsinfo.textlog_line_prefix | %t %p %c-%l %x %q(%u, %d, %r, %a) | configuration file | |
random_page_cost | 2 | configuration file | |
replication_timeout | 0 | ms | configuration file |
restart_after_crash | off | configuration file | |
shared_buffers | 314624 | 8kB | configuration file |
shared_preload_libraries | pg_statsinfo,pg_stat_statements | configuration file | |
standard_conforming_strings | off | configuration file | |
superuser_reserved_connections | 10 | configuration file | |
track_functions | all | configuration file | |
transaction_isolation | read committed | override | |
wal_buffers | 2048 | 8kB | override |
wal_keep_segments | 64 | configuration file | |
wal_level | hot_standby | configuration file | |
wal_receiver_status_interval | 5 | s | configuration file |
Update the alert setting table of the repository DB.
Please see the pg_statsinfo manual for details of the alert settings.
e.g. Change the threshold of Rollback per seconds to "3000".
UPDATE statsrepo.alert SET rollback_tps = 3000 WHERE instid = 1;
End of report